Transition to 100% Sustainably
Sourced Coffee for all UCC Brands by 2030

UCC Group's approach to
Sustainably Sourced Coffee

At UCC Group, we are committed to being part of an industry-wide movement to help ensure the long-term, sustainable production of coffee.

To support our 2030 UCC own brand goal, we have established our sustainable procurement approach, under three outcome driven commitments and with eight priority focus areas which UCC believe are important to helping People Flourish and Helping Nature Thrive.

With sustainable procurement as our top priority, we are dedicated to promoting sustainability throughout the coffee industry we serve.

Three Sustainable Factors

  • Helping to conserve nature and landscapes


    • ●Biodiversity and ecosystem conservation
    • ●Appropriate management and use of pesticides and chemicals
    • ●Conservation of water resources
    • ●Soil Conservation
    • ●Appropriate waste management
  • Supporting social wellbeing of coffee communities*


    • ●Prohibition of forced & child labour
    • ●Adherence to proper labour practices
    • ●Respect for human rights
    • *- coffee communities = farmers, workers, families
  • Helping to sustain supply and improve livelihoods


    • ●Continuous improvement in farming practices

About the logo

We created the Sustainably Sourced Coffee marque to signify that coffee has been procured in accordance with UCC Group's criteria for sustainable coffee procurement. Simply put, the logo lets people know that our coffee beans help create a better environment and better life for producers. It is included on products containing 50% or more qualified beans.
All our coffee is sourced under the guidance of our responsible procurement principles and from partners who adhere to the ethical provisions of our supplier code of conduct.

UCC Group's sustainably sourced coffee partners
(As of September 2023)

We will procure coffee that meets our standards of sustainable coffee procurement in collaboration with our partners. Current partners include certified standards and verified schemes and will evolve to include more partners in the future.

  • Rainforest Alliance
  • 4C

UCC Group's Sustainable Coffee Procurement

Our approach to procurement at UCC Group has been established in the UCC Group's Principles for Responsible Procurement. For the suppliers that serve as our business partners, we ask for their cooperation in adhering to the UCC Group's Supplier Code of Conduct.

Consultation and Reporting on Human Rights

The importance of corporate responsibility regarding efforts to respect human rights and their actions in the value chain is increasing. The UCC Group hopes to contribute to the realization of a better world where people's dignity is protected by deepening our understanding of various human rights issues in the countries around the world where we do business and by being actively involved in their resolution.

Therefore, the UCC Group has joined the "Dialogue and Remedy Platform" operated and provided by the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) from April 2024. JaCER is an organization that provides a non-judicial grievance platform in compliance with the UNGP (United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) and aims to support and promote the handling of grievances by member companies from a professional standpoint. The UCC Group aims to promote fairness and transparency in the handling of complaints and to promote dialogue and relief by utilizing the JaCER platform, as well as to resolve human rights issues.

JaCER Click here for the reporting form

[Grievance Mechanism process using JaCER]

The UCC Group uses JaCER to receive the details of cases from informants.
JaCER will then exchange information with the informant on the subject matter of the human rights case.
The UCC Group will receive the information and will make efforts to resolve the matter through dialogue between the informant and the UCC Group.
Since reports are received via JaCER, the anonymity of the informant and the confidentiality of the content of the report are ensured if desired.

The UCC Group will continue to enhance the Grievance Mechanism by widely informing the domestic and international value chain about the utilization of JaCER.

Helping People Flourish